Who We Are
We are a revival pentecostal ministry involved in radically re building of several key areas in the communities.
Our Vision
Reaching the unreached with the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Types Of Activity
Prison Outreach; Evangelism; Church Planting; Leaders Training; Widows Ministry; Orphans Ministry; Hospital Ministry.
Kitale Main Prison, Kitale Annex Prison, Kapenguria Prison, Nakuru Main Prison.
About Our Prison Ministry
We currently planning to start a Bible Distribution to all the prisons and remands we are reaching with the Gospel.
Support In
For us to get Bibles and teaching materials to give to the prisoners, for funds to buy motor cycles for those traveling in the above prisons to reach there by easy. For many prisoners to accept Jesus as their personal Savior .
Contact PrisonMinistry.net regarding this listing