Who We Are
I have been ordained since 1978 and been in many phases of ministry including prison pen pal ministry. I have no great achievements except to let the world know Jesus loves us all unconditionally. If not but for the grace of God I could have made a misguided decision in life and would need for someone to be my penal and encourage me. God put me on this mission so many years ago and as long as He say stay on I will be here.
Our Vision
I want each person to have someone that will remember that others are not blessed to go and come as they please and that taking a little time out of their schedule to encourage a person to hold on to their by sharing the Word of God with them, send a birthday card or holiday card means so much to those that have no one that will contact them to at least say you are in my prayers, I care how you are doing.
I will be finding out about ministering in our local jail in the upcoming weeks God has said to visit and pray and minister in our city jail so I will be seeking needed details, keep me in your prayers.
Support In
This ministry is largely supported by us pray that God will give us Favor in the means of finance and connections to expand the ministry so that more people can be reached and we will be able to start to travel around the world sending the gospel of Jesus Christ
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