Christian Motorsports Ministries

Isaiah 6:8 - Whom shall I send? Who will go?

Our Vision

The current vision of Christian Motorsport Ministries is to bring hope and inspiration to all categories listed in Matthew 25 but with a particular heart for prisons, inmates, families and correctional personnel as well as our primary field of focus-racing, car shows, bike rallies and general motosports enthusiasm.

Types Of Activity

Distribute magazines-automotive and prison specific inspirational literature to correctional facilities. Preach and teach prison chapels and inspirational visits using motorcycles, race cars and hot rod interest vehicles.


Worldwide ministry locations.

Our magazine (newsletter)

Christian Motorsports Illustrated Magazine-quarterly super slick newsstand product with 56+ pages. Prison specific stories every issue. Bulk copies shipped to prisons and prison ministries worldwide... $2 per copy plus shipping or $1 per copy in lots over 200. Prison Victory Magazine-Published for 3 years until Loving Hearts could no longer fund the project. Now ready to re-fire when new sponsor is identified.

Books we have published

A Bear & A Dove-A Journey of Faith.

Support In

Prayer request is for a new sponsor to refresh the production of Prison Victory Magazine.


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