Who We Are
Our mission is to equip, train, and empower volunteers to reach incarcerated women for Christ and to disciple them while in prison and after release. Our mission is working out through our driving passion for leading women out of personal and spiritual brokenness to wholeness and abundant life in Christ through salvation by faith, God’s grace, and His transforming work.
Our Vision
We are directing all our resources to:
Establish Daughters of Destiny Leadership Teams across America.
Build our ministry programs in every women’s prison in America.
Establish the Daughters of Destiny Discipleship Network in communities in each state.
Maintain contact with Daughters released from prison.
Engage released Daughters giving back through our ministry programs.
Types Of Activity
Our Full-Circle ministry includes: Special Events: conducted in facilities across the country by speaker teams.
Seminars: Teaches the women how to build their lives on the Word of God.
Life Groups: Weekly Bible Studies
Daughters Journal Newspaper
Women 4 Women: Correspondence Ministry
Daughters Re-entry Network - Net of Grace
We are a national women's prison ministry only. We are now active in 30 states and growing. Jails and Correctional Facilities.
Our magazine (newsletter)
Changed Lives Newsletter is published 12 times a year. Daughters Journal Newspaper is distributed to women's facilities in all 50 states. 100,000 issues a year. Quarterly.Books we have published
The Unseen Presence, by Mel Goebel. Daughters Free - Stories of freedom by Annie Goebel. Mel Goebel. See website for more details.About Our Prison Ministry
We are the only national women's prison ministry strictly focused with programing in the states. My husband Mel, worked for Chuck Colson, Prison Fellowship for 20 years and saw the need for a prison ministry that deals with the issues of women who are incarcerated.
Support In
Incarcerated women in jails and prisons throughout the world.
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