Who We Are
Fellowship of Grace Prison Outreach is a ministry of the local Church. We are sent out from Fellowship Baptist Church Tullahoma, Tennessee. We have been involved in local jail and prison ministry since 1998.
Our Vision
Our vision for this ministry is first and foremost to see precious souls saved. Following salvation discipleship and growth. Lastly, they in turn would go and do likewise.
Types Of Activity
Preaching services, one on one counseling, visitation, and after care.
Coffee county jail, Manchester, TN, weekly service. Riverbend maximum security institution, Nashville, TN.
About Our Prison Ministry
We are a full time ministry. We are currently seeking support from local churches and brothers and sisters in Christ. If you would like me to come to your Church and present our work please call. If we can help you in any way contact us.
Support In
Please pray for souls to be saved. Doors of ministry opened. Gods will to be done.
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