Who We Are
This organization mails newsletters containing encouraging article by ex-felons, and others once oppressed in life-changing situations; mail is sent as far as South Africa. HFM has an outreach mentoring project entitled "Project: They Can't Have Us" geared toward aiding at-risk groups immediate community.
Our Vision
Highly Flavored Ministry is a not-for-profit organization committed to encouraging individuals and families of those who are incarcerated, released from prison, suffering from addictions and financial strain.
Types Of Activity
Quarterly brochure mailed to inmates free of charge, Spiritual Pen Pals, Ministerial encouragement. Mentoring for those in at-risk situations and enviroments.
Our quarterly brochure is distributed world-wide.
Our magazine (newsletter)
Our newsletter is disbuted quarterly, free of charge. Please sign up your friend or loved one to get on our list!About Our Prison Ministry
We also offer at-risk workshops and empowerment session in various facilities and group sessions.
Support In
We need your prayers. Go to our website to find out ways you can volunteer and help us with our missoin.
Contact PrisonMinistry.net regarding this listing