Who We Are
With the help of God's people now we started branch in Kanamundhara Palli, Pakala (Md), Chittoor (Dt), Andhra Pradesh. Our Church is Holy Spirit Church. Leprosy, widow's, nursery, weds ministries.
Our Vision
As much as possible to winning, working should mainly prison ministry, which are primary parts activities. And also we have the ministry among the poor widows. We have social activity for rural development, adult literature.
Types Of Activity
Distribution tracts, prison tracts and sharing our testimony of Jesus Christ. Church planting ministries, leprosy ministries and social development.
Chittoor sub jail, Pakala sub jail in Andhra Pradesh.
About Our Prison Ministry
Not only spiritual ministry, we have social ministry among the poor people, hospital, rural development.
Support In
We need your prayer, join with us for souls winning and social activities. Please pray for finance needy thing as well as Bibles, NT books for prisons, prison tracts.
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