School of Institutional Studies

Providing Ecclesiastical Education to make prisoners competent to re-entry and be employed.

2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new crearture: the old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Who We Are

Daniel Matthew College (School of Institutional Studies ) (ISDMC) is an prisoner's Ecclesiastical Extended Learner Center. Founded out of the vision of the World Council of the National Assembly of Churches (WCNAC) on March 2, 1982, to provide Marketable and Occupational Competency Certificates to those held within our correctional institutions. ISDMC is an integrated auxiliary of WCNAC and stands under the proper will as it related to the monotheistic faith

Our Vision

ISDMC's vision centers upon connecting the inmate's marketable and/or occupational goals to competency in applicable community standards for re-entry and employment.

Types Of Activity

Community Developers (in partnership with IPDC), Ministry, Parks & Recreation Professional, Musicians, Legal Tech or Paralegals, Barbers, Cooking, Business, and much much more. Our other activities include, but are not limited to, Counseling, Mentoring, Health and Fitness, Support Groups, and free Legal Services. The following programs are for occupational competency and certification (free to inmates and Prisons); S.K.I.P., S.O.M.E., and T.O.M.


While centrally located within the St. Louis, Missouri area, many of our community classes are held within our local Religious Centers or churches, to support their core curriculums. That same support for competency is offered to institutions for their core curriculums, re-entry needs and their connection to inmate's marketable and occupational competency standards.

Our magazine (newsletter)

The Inmate College Report. While we have many newsletters, inmates within any institution will enjoy our free quarterly "Extended Learners Report" and self help certification. To obtain this newsletter, simply e-mail us and request your name to be added to the mailing list.

About Our Prison Ministry

As stated, ISDMC was founded by WCNAC to provide free education to inmates within our correctional centers. That vision of providing competency and certification came from a need to be that central center to connect them to applicable community standards upon their re-entry and employment.

Support In

Prayer all of those released in 2017 and those set for release thereafter..


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