Who We Are
This ministry consists of assisting the local prison chaplain with office work. It also includes letter/card writing and teaching faith based classes, Bible studies, patient visitation and holding worship & praise services. Basically, filling in the gaps while we are standing in the gap!
Our Vision
The vision of the ministry is to not only teach Christ, but to live & be Christ to those who are incarcerated, to give them hope of a new life in Christ.
Types Of Activity
Holding worship & praise services, Bible Studies, visiting & praying with the terminally ill offenders, office assistance to the prison chaplain and teaching faith based classes.
The units are located throughout south Texas, specifically in Texas City and Galveston.
Support In
The female offenders who give birth while incarcerated and must be separated from their babies, the terminally ill offenders who will die in prison, without their loved ones. Also that more volunteers will rise up so that offenders will know they can have hope for change with Christ.
Contact PrisonMinistry.net regarding this listing