Who We Are
We are a Christ centered Ministry addressing the needs of inmates, ex-offenders, and their families as well as the homeless and those struggling with addictions.
Our Vision
At "Sode-zo (Restoring Lives) Inc." we purpose ourselves to reach out to those who the world says are lost, and without hope. Located in Norristown, PA we minister in the prisons of Southeastern Pennsylvania, as well as to the homeless, to the addicted, and to the families of those who are afflicted. Seeking to be reflectors of the light of Christ to those in need, and bringing the message of God's restoration, and grace to the world.
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
About Our Prison Ministry
We provide these services free to individuals or to institutions and correctional facilities. We also will present seminars, or workshops to those wishing to establish Prison Ministries.
Support In
Facilities for ministry, and financial blessings.
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