Mitchell Prison Ministry

I live in Jamaica. My Communication is through letter writing and emails.

Psalm. 121 :1 I will lift up my eyes unto the hills from whence comet my help.

Who We Are

I am a trained Evangelist, Psychiatric nursing aide and a small business owner operated small stock. I preach the Gospel. Massage of Jesus Church in churches, golden age home and at my workplace. I am now a part of Chaplain Phillip Carter prison ministry as the Admin Assistant in penal writing.

Our Vision

My vision for this ministry is to win as many souls for God and to how many can release from prison through prayer and fasting and to see their taken care of.I

Types Of Activity

I love gospel. music. Therapeutic exercise and talk therapy.


I works directly under Chaplain. Phillip m. Carter ministry.I

Our magazine (newsletter)

I listen to the program. on American. Heroes Net work and read articles that Chaplain Phillip. M. Carter send to me concerning. that he is doing.

Books we have published

The titles are What if it were true by E.Coleman Ralston,The Voice of Truth International. Volume. Eighty_four by Louise Buffington .


About Our Prison Ministry

I would like to see many souls save for God and more volunteer and those who can support. this ministry. To help it to grow would Debe a great joy so that all veterans. and their families. are remember.

Support In

Dear God as. This ministry is a none profit organization, I pray in the name of. Jesus Christ of Nazareth through this ministry. that souls will be save and many will be pardon for the crime that they committed and set free in Jesus mighty name and this ministry will grow ,Lord remember. Those who are serving. as leaders. Strengthen that they never get weak nor give up their work in Jesus I pray amen.


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