Who We Are
SAFE is a ministry that is based on St. Anthony, the saint of locating what is lost. Too many teens and families are losing their purpose, letting their values be defined on the streets. We want these kids to find God, to find the good in themselves and others.
Our Vision
One of our main goals is to build a safe house for gang members who want out, before it is too late. We know environment is key in getting kids out of this situation. We want a home, here in Iowa, where they can learn a trade, go to school, church, and find the soul inside that was being polluted in the city.
Types Of Activity
Hiking, farming, meditating, praying, community service, finding their gifts, residential center based in a rural environment. Education, counseling, health care, tattoo removal, horse riding
Any in the USA.
About Our Prison Ministry
We are a ministry just starting out, and need all the help we can get. We are trying to reach youth.
Support In
Please pray for my sons Anthony and Alex, serving time in Nebraska jails. Although they are teenagers, they were sentenced as adults, and their little brother and I miss them so much. Pray they feel the love of God and never lose their faith.
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