Stepping Out Ministries

Stepping Out Ministry is a prison aftercare facilities. We also house the discharged men.

2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new crearture: the old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Who We Are

We assist men from prison to the free world, by offering our home for a period determined by mutual agreement. We help them find jobs, and hopefully set them on a path of restoration with family, or offer our selves as a family. We have had over120 men staying here total in our 7 years here.

Our Vision

Our vision is to do what we have been called to do, show men how to reconnect with the realities of the free world, and acquire a real job to sustain them, as they become believer's in Christ.
We do not require that they say they are Christians upon coming here, they can say anything just to get here. But we show them the right way, and they learn through the practices they witness here.
They help each other by becoming a family.

Types Of Activity

We go bowling, and have BBQ's and welcome their families and guest to visit. We have chickens, dogs and cats, and we all clean this place together. We cook meals, and eat together at the table, and learn to interact as a unit.


My husband and I go into all prisons in East Texas every weekend to visit, and introduce ourselves to the men coming here. We also visit old timers that are doing life sentences, to offer encouragement and hope. Several of the lifers are currently up for parole, and we need another house now. We are looking for a farm style place outside of Anderson County.

About Our Prison Ministry

We want to live like Jesus orders us to live, while showing others, not just talking about Him, but being Him through showing kindness, and love. We do not acceot State funds, but donors are always welcome. These men are given a clean environment, a real home with caring people, and some clothes upon their arrival.

Support In

We need much prayer as we are continually growing, and we need more space. We bought our second home and moved into it, me and the husband, so the men could have more room, but we are full to capacity with a long list coming. We do offer this place to the discharged men.


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