Who We Are
The Healing Banquet Ministries, is a ministry given by God, we are into gathering people around the globe, it was founded in September 2002, we have been able to host crusades seminars and coonferences, we welcome every set of human beings, recently a muslim gave his life to Christ and decided not to go back to islam when we appraoched him and gave him the word of God.
Our Vision
Vision is to reach the world, prisons and other places with the gospel, making deciples of all nations for Christ, our most important goal is soul wining.
Types Of Activity
We are into Crusades, seminars, youth activities, interactions.
Port Harcourt and nearby places and have the vision of affecting people abroad too as God helps us.
About Our Prison Ministry
Our ministry Is hungry to make deciples for Christ to reach out to the world and mostly the Asian and Europian continents, we believe in soul winning.
Support In
We need finances to enable us carry out our city wide crusades, rural crusades, prisoners needs and motherless babies, we want God to provide finance for the enhancement of this vision.
Contact PrisonMinistry.net regarding this listing