Mount Calvary Church/Mount Ministries

2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new crearture: the old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Who We Are

The Ministries at the Mount operate under the spiritual direction of Bishop Timothy A. Williams. The Mount Calvary Church family is in it's 36th year of operation. The ministry is composed of three (3) major pillars: Spiritual Formation, Family Life and Evangelism, Outreach & Missions.

Our Vision

We believe that no sin is to great to be forgiven by God. Our vision is to bring this saving knowledge of Christ to every brother and/or sister currently incarcerated. We see the power of God's Holy Spirit setting the captives free.

Types Of Activity

Crusades/Revivals; Bible Studies; Music Ministry; Intercessory Prayer.


Metro - Detroit; Jackson - Michigan.

About Our Prison Ministry

Seed Covenant Partners: Seed Partners are those faithful saints who have a burden to see the Gospel Preached in Prisons across the nation. As God moves your heart we ask that you consider sowing a seed of $20 or greater.

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