Who We Are
My wife and I are starting a prison ministry. We teach at two prisons in Texas weekly. We want to begin holding Evangelical services in prisons all over the US. I was in prison for 13 years. I know the value of prison ministries. We are approved volunteers in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
Our Vision
We have the vision of going to prisons in the united states and holding revivals. Leading the captive Christ though both music and preaching.
Types Of Activity
We lead in praise and worship as well as teach/preach. My wife and I are tag teem preachers meaning we preach at the same time.
Texas, USA.
About Our Prison Ministry
We tag team preach. We choose a topic and study separately. Then we come back to compare never yet have we not gone the same direction. This is how we know the holy spirit is working.
Support In
God opens the door for us to go into more prisons.
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