Who We Are
I am Reverend Dr. Tackett I started the World Theological Church & Seminary as a way to prove to people that there are honest good religious and spirtitual people out there. World Theological Church does not accept donations of any kind. Our seminary offers all kinds of certificate and degree programs that are all 100% free.
Our Vision
Our vision is to educate anyone and everyone about the different religions of the world. And we aim to accomplish our vision and mission without any monetary gain from the people.
Types Of Activity
We have an online confessional and prayer requests. We also do weekly or bi weekly sermons. We do online counseling and guidance if needed.
We minister to mostly local prisons. In and around the Miami Valley area of Ohio. We also minister to anyone and everyone online.
About Our Prison Ministry
We are a completely free and inter-faith ministry. We don't care about color, race, or creed, we minister to anyone who wants to learn. If you have a interest in religion we are here for you.
Support In
Please pray for all people who want to know about the religions of the world but have no way of doing so.
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