Who We Are
I am an ex-convict who spent 9 years in Texas prisons called by God to minister to my brothers and sisters still on the inside. I bring first hand knowledge and experience of life behind the gates and a life changing testimony on how God delivered me from the pit of hell! HE has saved my life from death and gave me life in abundance. My message is for those people who are sick and tired of being sick and tired! I bring a message of hope, of love and of salvation to those who desperately need it!
Our Vision
Our ultimate vision and goal is that all men and women will come to know Jesus! And we will accomplish this task one inmate at a time. It is my firm belief that if we let God use us as instruments for His glory, then our message will bring people to Christ. And once they are brought to the Truth, the Holy Spirit will begin the transformation.
Types Of Activity
We go into the prisons to minister, teach and to mentor. We provide letters which encourage those brothers and sisters in times of need. We provide bibles and study bibles for those incarcerated. And we assist those brothers and sisters with whatever they need for a successful reintegration into society.
The North Texas area. Dallas - Fort Worth. But we will also travel wherever God directs us.
About Our Prison Ministry
We are available for speaking engagements. Pastors, Coordinators or Chaplains please contact us for more information. We are ready to Preach, to Teach, and to assist in any way possible.
Support In
Please lift us up in prayer for financial support. Pray that God gives us the strength and the courage to do what He has called us to do.
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